“There is something special about when people are gathered around the table for a meal. I want my dining room and kitchen to be a 3rd place for my guests.”

Renee C. Herrell-Fitzgerald, is taking her passion and philosophy for helping nonprofits into a new realm through Eat Good. Do Good. This venture is a method for Renee to utilize her cooking creativity, wine training and network of community partners to bring people together to break bread ‘for good’. Whether in the boardroom or the kitchen, Renee seeks to do good through eating good.

My Backstory

In March 2010, I travelled down to Buenos Aires, Argentina — the meat capital of the world — and became a vegan.

I went down there to visit these two of my wayfarer family members, my sister in law, Kimmy, and brother, Ryan.

…not to be converted to a plant-based diet.

I had always thought that Vegans were those very pale, undernourished kids with dark rings under their eyes who worked at Whole Foods. Boy, was I wrong!

Enter, Marisa (founder of Moon & Back Bakery, former chef of New York’s One Lucky Duck Restaurant) and her husband, Randy – two of the most fabulous Vegans I know! And they were runners, just like me.

If Randy and Marisa could do this… maybe I could too?

While I was in BA, Kimmy and Marisa took me to a vegan cooking class with Chef Dan Perlman of Casa Salt Shaker, a La Puerta Cerrada (a Closed Door Kitchen), that has gained quite the name recognition.

We learned to cook traditional Argentine food… vegan-style. Which is pretty impressive in a country where meat alternatives and substitutes are not readily available.

Marisa and Kimmy cooked some amazing vegan dishes for us while I was there visiting and I started to get the hang of what the vegan diet consisted of and how to put dishes together.

I took my newly-acquired cooking knowledge and skills back to the states. I find inspiration from Tal, Alicia, Karen, Angela, Dana, and Robin. Yep, because I’m on a first name basis with all of them. Them? Not so much with me.

Since this fateful trip, I’ve developed quite a repertoire of my own dairy- and gluten-free recipes that I am eager to share with you.

In 2010, I began my wine study. I gained my Professional Certificate in the Business of Wine from where I first met Lisa Redwine – the only female Advanced Sommelier in San Diego- and my first instructor in the certificate program at San Diego State University. Lisa became my ‘wine mentor’ and I had the opportunity to study under her when I sat for (and passed!) my Sommelier Level 1 certification.

Through formal and informal training, I have been able to pair my love for food and wine and to share it with others. Informally, I’ve gathered friends and family around my table to feed and imbibe them – in exchange for their support of a charity. My hope is to expand these fundraising opportunities beyond my kitchen and bring together my charitable networks in order to eat good and do good.

Cheers & Bon Apetit!